
2023/12/13 12:00
Information for foreigners


Information on the year-end and New Year counter

[City Hall]
The city hall will not be open from December 29th to January 3rd during the New Year holidays.
If you need a family register, resident's card, seal certificate, or tax-related certificate, please get it by Wednesday, 28th.

[Convenience store certificate issuance service]
It will not be available from December 29th to January 3rd due to system maintenance, etc. If you need a certificate for the year-end and New Year holidays, please take it by the 28th.

About acceptance of family register notification (birth, marriage, death, etc.) for the year-end and New Year holidays
We can accept notifications. However, as a result of the examination, if there is any incompleteness in the content, we may ask you to correct it at a later date or we may not be able to accept it on the date of receipt.
※Cannot be accepted at the branch offices.

Nagahama City Hall: Phone 0749-62-4111.


2023/12/8 16:28




2023/12/8 12:00
Information for foreigners


Notice of end of new coronavirus vaccine mass vaccination, etc.

Group vaccinations for New coronavirus vaccine (Seiyu Nagahama Rakuichi Store), Nagahama City Hospital, and Nagahama Red Cross Hospital will end in December (vaccinations at Nagahama City Kohoku Hospital will continue).
The last day of group vaccination is scheduled for Saturday, December 16th. There are only a few reservation slots left, so if you are unable to make a reservation on your desired date or after the date has ended, please consider getting vaccinated at a medical practitioner.
In addition, the currently ongoing Fall 2023 vaccination will end at the end of March 2024 for medical practitioners, etc.

[Group vaccination/Hospital reservation method]
〇Reservation site▼
〇Telephone (9:00-20:00 every day)
※Please check the schedule on the website or call us.

[How to make a reservation for medical practitioners, etc.]
Please contact each practitioner directly.

Inquiry: New Coronavirus Vaccination Promotion Office (Phone: 0749-65-6379)


2023/12/7 09:28



2023/12/6 12:00
Informacion para extranjeros


Aviso Sobre el Termino de la Vacunacion Colectiva Contra el COVID-19

La vacunacion colectiva contra el COVID-19 (Seiyu Nagahama Rakuichiten), y la vacunacion realizada en el Shiritsu Nagahama Byouin y Nagahama Sekijuji Byouin sera hasta diciembre (continuara siendo realizada en el Nagahama Shiritsu Kohoku Byouin).
El ultimo dia de la vacunacion colectiva esta previsto para el 16 de diciembre (sab). Como quedan pocas vacantes, considere vacunarse en las clinicas particulares etc. en caso de que no conseguir reservar en la fecha deseada, y en caso de vacunacion despues del 16 de diciembre.
La vacunacion otono invierno de 2023, realizada actualmente, en las clinicas particulares etc. tambien seran hasta final de marzo de Marzo de 2024.
Reserva para Vacunacion colectiva – Vacunacion en los hospitales
〇 Por la internet

〇Por telefono (diariamente de 9:00 ~20:00) TEL.: 050-5526-1358
※Verifique las fechas en la pagina WEB de la municipalidad o por telefono

Reservas en las clinicas particulares
Por favor consulte directamente a las clinicas particulares.

Informes: Shingata Coronavirus Wakuchin Sesshu Suishinshitsu TEL.: 0749-65-6379


2023/12/6 12:00
Informacoes para estrangeiros


Aviso Sobre o Termino da Vacinacao Coletiva Contra COVID-19

A vacinacao coletiva contra COVID-19 (Seiyu Nagahama Rakuichiten), e a vacinacao realizada no Shiritsu Nagahama Byouin e Nagahama Sekijuji Byouin serao encerradas em dezembro (continuara a ser realizada no Nagahama Shiritsu Kohoku Byouin).
O ultimo dia da vacinacao coletiva esta prevista para 16 de dezembro (sab). Como restam poucas vagas, considere vacinar-se nas clinicas particulares etc. no caso de nao conseguir reservar na data desejada, e no caso de vacinacao apos 16 de dezembro.
A vacinacao outono inverno de 2023, realizada atualmente, tambem sera encerrada nas clinicas particulares etc. no final de marco de 2024.

Reserva para Vacinacao coletiva – Vacinacao nos hospitais
〇Pela internet

〇Por telefone (diariamente das 9h00 ~ 20h00) TEL.: 050-5526-1358
※Conferir as datas na homepage da prefeitura ou por telefone

Reserva nas clinicas particulares
Favor consultar diretamente as clinicas particulares.

Informacoes: Shingata Coronavirus Wakuchin Sesshu Suishinshitsu TEL.: 0749-65-6379


2023/12/4 15:58




2023/12/1 14:23
Informacion para extranjeros


Atencion del Centro de Salud de Emergencias Nagahama-Maibara

Los domingos, feriados y feriado de final e inicio de ano (30 de diciembre al 3 de enero), el Centro de Emergencias Nagahama-Maibara, brinda atencion medica en las especialidades de Pediatria y Medicina Interna. En caso de necesitar asistencia medica repentina por sintomas leves, en vez de acudir a consultas ambulatorias de emergencias en los hospitales, se solicita ir a este centro.
※Para evitar la propagacion de la infeccion por el COVID-19, se les solicita, llamar por telefono obligatoriamente y colocarse mascara; antes de acudir al centro.

Fechas de Atencion:
Diciembre: 3, 10, 17, 24, 30, 31
Enero: 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 14, 21, 28

Horario de Recepcion: 8:30 hrs. ~ 11:30 hrs. y 12:30 hrs. ~ 17:30 hrs.

Horario de Atencion: 9:00 hrs. ~ 18:00 hrs. 

Lugar: Miyashi-cho 1181-2. En Kohoku Iryou Support Center (Medisapo).

Telefono: 0749-65-1525 (prestar atencion para que no haya equivocacion al marcar el numero).
※Presentar en la recepcion, la Tarjeta del Seguro de Salud (Hokenshou), Tarjeta de Asistencia Social de Subsidio de Gastos Medicos (Marufuku), Libreta de Medicamentos (Okusuri Techou), Libreta de Salud Materno-Infantil (Boshi Kenkou Techou. En caso de infantes), entre otros.

Informes: Chiiki Iryouka Tel.: 0749-65-6301


2023/12/1 12:00
Informacoes para estrangeiros


Atendimento no Nagahama Maibara Kyuujitsu Kyuukan Shinryousho (Centro de Saude Emergencial)

O Centro de Saude Emergencial oferece Atendimento de Clinica Geral e Pediatria aos domingos, feriados nacionais e feriado de final e inicio de ano (30/dez ~ 3/jan). Se necessitar de atendimento repentino, nos casos leves, favor solicitar atendimento no Centro de Saude Emergencial ao inves do pronto-socorro dos hospitais.
Com intuito de prevenir a propagacao do COVID-19, FAVOR LIGAR ANTES DE COMPARECER E UTILIZAR MASCARA AO SE CONSULTAR. Nao realizamos teste de influenza ou de COVID-19.
TEL (em japones): 0749-65-1525 (atencao para nao errar o numero.)

Datas de atendimento:
Dezembro: 3, 10, 17, 24, 30, 31
Janeiro: 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 14, 21, 28

Horario de recepcao: 8h30 ~ 11h30 e 12h30 ~ 17h30.

Horario de atendimento: 9h00 ~ 18h00.

Local: No Kohoku Iryou Support Center [Medisapo] (Miyashi-cho 1181-2)
Ao se consultar, favor apresentar Hokenshou (cartao do seguro de saude), Marufuku (cartao do sistema de assistencia social atraves do subsidio de despesas medicas), caderneta de remedios, Boshi Kenkou Techou (caderneta de saude materno-infantil) no caso de criancas.

Informacoes: Chiiki Iryouka TEL.: 0749-65-6301


2023/12/1 10:00
Information for foreigners


Nagahama Maibara Holiday Emergency Clinic
Notice of medical treatment days in December, 2023 and January, 2024

"Nagahama Maibara Holiday Emergency Clinic" provides medical care on holidays (Sundays, public holidays, and New Year's holidays (December 30th to January 3rd)). Please use the Nagahama Maibara Holiday Emergency Clinic for initial emergency medical care for internal medicine and pediatrics.

To prevent the spread of New coronavirus infections, please be sure to call and wear a mask for consultation.
※We do not test for infectious diseases such as influenza or New coronavirus.
[Phone 65-1525]
※Please be careful not to make a mistake when making a call.
[Clinical days]
December 3, 10, 17, 24, 30, 31
January 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 14, 21, 28

[Reception Hours] 8:30 to 11:30, 12:30 to 17:30
[Clinical hours] 9:00 to 18:00
[Clinical department] Internal medicine and Pediatrics
[Place] Kohoku Medical Support Center "Medi Sapo" (Miyashi-cho 1181-2)
※Don't forget to bring your Insurance card, Welfare medical ticket, Medicine notebook, and Maternal and child health notebook (for infants) when you visit the clinic.
※Medical treatment days are Sundays, national holidays, and the year-end and New Year holidays (December 30th to January 3rd).

Inquiry: Community Health Care Division: Phone 65-6301

(長浜米原休日急患診療所 12月, 1月の診療日のお知らせ)