
2021/11/22 07:23


本日7時00分ごろ、小谷丁野町付近で はなれザルが目撃されました。付近住民の皆さんは、ご注意ください。

2021/11/19 11:24



2021/11/18 14:43
Information for foreigners


Correction : Medical expenses for those who have Marufuku

There was a text error in the e-mail that we sent on November 17th. We apologize for any inconvenience.

(updated version)
For those who have a welfare medical expenses voucher (Marufuku)
☆ When you receive a medical treatment outside the prefecture
☆ When you receive a medical examination without presenting Marufuku even at a medical institution in the prefecture
You can apply for a refund for the paid insurance medical treatment.

Application: Nagahama City Hall Hoken Nenkinka(Insurance and Pension Division), Hokubu Shinkoukyoku Kurashi Madoguchika (Northern Promotion Bureau Living Counter Division) or each branch
What to bring: Original receipt, Health insurance card, Marufuku, Parent/guardian's bankbook (to confirm account number)
* Separate documents may be required depending on the application details.

★ Application should be made after the month following the consultation.
★ It takes about 2 months from the application to the transfer.
★ The application deadline is 5 years from the day after payment to the medical institution.

For inquiries, please contact the Insurance and Pension Division (Phone 0749-65-6527)


2021/11/18 14:38
Information for foreigners

Information for foreigners

Correction : About inpatient medical expenses subsidy for elementary and junior high school students

There was a text error in the e-mail that we sent on November 17th. We apologize for any inconvenience.

(updated version)
In Nagahama City, we subsidize the out of the medical expenses for hospitalization of elementary and junior high school students.
At the medical institution, you will be required to pay the self-pay portion and will be refunded at a later date upon application.

Application: Nagahama City Hall Hoken Nenkinka (Insurance and Pension Division), Hokubu Shinkoukyoku Kurashi Madoguchika (Northern Promotion Bureau Living Counter Division) or each branch
What to bring: Original receipt of medical institution, insurance card of child, passbook of transfer account (account number can be confirmed)
☆High-cost medical expenses provided by your health insurance will be deducted from the subsidy amount. If you received payment from your health insurance, please bring something such as a transfer notice that allows you to confirm the amount of payment.

★ For those with Shakai Hoken(social insurance), please apply after confirming the payment of high-cost medical expenses and supplementary payments, and for those with national health insurance, please apply after the month following discharge from the hospital.
★ It takes about 3 to 4 months from the procedure to the transfer.
★ The application deadline is 5 years from the day after payment to the medical institution.

For inquiries, please contact the Insurance and Pension Division (Phone 0749-65-6527)


2021/11/18 13:04


本日13時ごろ、高月町東柳野付近で はなれザルが目撃されました。付近住民の皆さんは、ご注意ください。

2021/11/17 17:15
Informacion para extranjeros


Sobre el sistema de subsidio para Gastos Medicos en Relacion a Internacion de estudiantes de Shougakkou y Chuugakkou

En Nagahama, entre los gastos medicos relacionados a la internacion de ninos entre la edad del Shougakkou y Chuugakkou (educacion obligatoria), subsidiamos la parte que le corresponde efectuar al paciente.
Debe efectuar el pago de la parte que le corresponde al paciente a la institucion medica y posteriormente realizar la solicitud para que podamos realizar el reembolso.

Lugar de solicitacion: Hoken Nenkinka, Hokubu Shinkoukyoku Kurashi Madoguchika o en cada sucursal de la municipalidad.
Items necesarios: recibo original de la institucion medica, Hokensho del nino, tarjeta o libreta de banco del responsable

El valor a pagar por la aseguradora, en caso de gastos medicos elevados, etc. sera substraido del valor a subvencionar.En caso de haber recibido pago de la aseguradora, por favor presente algun documento en el que sea posible verificar el monto pago.

★Para aquellos inscritos en el Shakai Hoken, por favor realizar la solicitacion despues de asegurarse del pago de gastos medicos elevados, etc.; aquellos inscritos en el Kokumin Kenkou Hoken, por favor realice la solicitacion a partir del mes siguiente al de la consulta.
★Tenga en cuenta que segun el caso, desde la solicitud hasta el pago puede tardar de 3 a 4 meses.
★El plazo para solicitar es de 5 anos a partir del dia siguiente de la fecha de pago en la institucion medica

Informes: Hoken Nenkinka 0749-65-6527


2021/11/17 17:00
Informacion para extranjeros


Referente a los gastos medicos de las personas que poseen Marufuku (Tarjeta del Sistema de Asistencia Social a traves del subsidio de los gastos medicos.)

-En caso de haber realizado consulta en institucion medica fuera de la provincia de Shiga;
-En caso de haber consultado una institucion medica en Shiga, sin presentar la tarjeta Marufuku;
Es posible solicitar el reembolso de la parte de los gastos medicos del paciente.

Lugar de solicitacion: Hoken Nenkinka, Hokubu Shinkoukyoku Kurashi Madoguchika o en cada sucursal de la municipalidad.
Items necesarios: recibo original de la institucion medica, tarjeta o libreta de banco del responsable, Hokensho, Marufuku.
※Hay casos en que puede ser solicitado otros documentos.

*Por favor realice la solicitacion a partir del mes siguiente a la consulta.
*Desde la solicitacion hasta el pago puede llevar aproximadamente 2 meses.
*El plazo para solicitar el reembolso es de 5 anos a partir del dia siguiente de la fecha de pago en la institucion medica

Informes: Hoken Nenkinka 0749-65-6527


2021/11/17 15:08
Information for foreigners


Medical expenses for those who have Marufuku

For those who have a welfare medical expenses voucher (Marufuku)
☆ When you take a medical institution outside the prefecture
☆ When you receive a medical examination without presenting Marufuku even at a medical institution in the prefecture
You can apply for a refund for the paid insurance medical treatment.

Application: Nagahama City Hall Insurance and Pension Division, Northern Promotion Bureau Living Counter Division or each branch
What to bring: Original receipt, parent's transfer account can be confirmed, Health insurance card, Marufuku
* Separate documents may be required depending on the application details.

★ It takes about 2 months from the procedure to the transfer.
★ The application deadline is 5 years from the day after payment to the medical institution.

For inquiries, please contact the Insurance and Pension Division (Phone 0740-65-6527)


2021/11/17 15:04
Information for foreigners


About inpatient medical expenses subsidy for elementary and junior high school students

In Nagahama City, we subsidize the out of the medical expenses for hospitalization of elementary and junior high school students.
At the medical institution, you will be required to pay the self-pay portion and will be refunded at a later date upon application.

Application: Nagahama City Hall Insurance and Pension Division, Northern Promotion Bureau Living Counter Division or each branch
What to bring: Original receipt of medical institution, insurance card of child, passbook of transfer account (account number can be confirmed)
☆High-cost medical expenses provided by your health insurance will be deducted from the subsidy amount. If you received payment from your health insurance, please bring something such as a transfer notice that allows you to confirm the amount of payment.

★ It takes about 6 months from the procedure to the transfer.
★ The application deadline is 5 years from the day after payment to the medical institution.

For inquiries, please contact the Insurance and Pension Division (Phone 0740-65-6527)


2021/11/17 13:30
Informacoes para estrangeiros


Referente a despesa medica de pessoas que possuem o Marufuku (cartao do Sistema de assistencia social atraves do subsidio da despesa medica)

-Caso tenha realizado consulta em instituicao medica fora da provincia de Shiga;
-Caso tenha realizado consulta em instituicao medica em Shiga, sem apresentar o cartao Marufuku;
E possivel solicitar o reembolso de parte da despesa medica de encargo do paciente.

Local de solicitacao: Hoken Nenkinka, Hokubu Shinkoukyoku ou subprefeituras
Itens necessarios: recibo original da instituicao medica, cartao ou caderneta bancaria do responsavel, Hokensho, Marufuku.
※Ha casos em que podem ser solicitados outros documentos.
*Favor realizar a solicitacao a partir do mes seguinte ao da consulta.
*Da solicitacao ate o pagamento pode levar aproximadamente 2 meses.
*O prazo para solicitacao do reembolso e de 5 anos a contar do dia seguinte a data de pagamento na instituicao medica!

Informacoes: Hoken Nenkinka 0749-65-6527
